STD 5 (Textbook) GSEB Gujarati AND English MEDIUM

STD 4 (Textbook) GSEB Gujarati AND English MEDIUM

STD 4 (Textbook) GSEB Gujarati AND English MEDIUM

GSEB STD 5 TextBook:

The modifications for the new GSEB Textbook are presented here. This article is about the GSEB STD 5 Textbooks. All of the Gujarat Board STD 5 textbooks for Gujarati and English medium can be downloaded from this page. Here you may find all of the Gujarat Government's STD 5 textbooks.

Recently, GSEB modified various courses and curricula in accordance with the NCERT Education System. Therefore, it becomes quite challenging for the students to locate the PDF download of this recently updated book. By offering helpful content, the GKnews team always aims to assist students in a straightforward manner. You will find this post to be of great use and it will save you a lot of time. Just click on the text in the table below marked "Download" to start the download.


Table of Contents   

1 GSEB Std 5 TextBook 2022

GSEB Std 5 TextBook 2022

This is where we present the modifications to the new GSEB Textbook. The topic of this post is GSEB STD 5 Textbooks. From this page, you can get all of the Gujarat Board STD 5 textbooks for Gujarati and English mediums. Here you may get the Gujarat Government's STD 5 textbooks for all courses.


On the basis of the NCERT Education System, the GSEB recently modified various disciplines and curricula. Finding the PDF download of this recently updated book thus becomes very challenging for the pupils. The Educationguru00 staff makes an effort to assist students in a straightforward manner by offering helpful content. You will save a lot of time by using the information in this page. To download the text, just click the Download button in the table below.

GSEB Std 5 Gujarati Medium Books

Subject Name

[પર્યાવરણ આસપાસ]. Download
Gujarati (FL) [ગુજરાતી]. Download
English (SL) [અંગ્રેજી] Download
Ganit Gammat [ગણિત ગમ્મત] Download
Hindi (SL) [હિન્દી]  Download

GSEB Std 5 English Medium Books

Subject Name

English (FL) Download
Mathematics Download

GSEB Std 5 Urdu Medium TextBooks

Subject Name

Environment  Urdu Medium Download

Urdu First Language Download

GSEB Std 5 Marathi Medium TextBooks

Subject Name
Environment Marathi Medium Download

Mathematics Marathi Medium Download

Marathi First Language Sem 1 & 2 Download

Std 5 Hindi Medium TextBooks

Subject NameDownload Link
Paryavaran – Sauni Aaspaas Hindi MediumDownload
Mathematics Hindi MediumDownload
Hindi First Language Sem 1 & 2Download

Gujarat STD 5 Books PDF Download

Gujarat Board Std 5 Books Details
The Gujarat Board has chosen five subjects for students in Standard 5. They must study the subjects listed below.
Gujarati, often known as "first language subject," is the first subject.
This GSEB STD 5 Textbook has 100 pages in total.
Its file is 25.4 MB large.
There are a total of 15 chapters in the GSEB STD 5 Textbook, along with 5 additional readings.
Reprints of the first edition from 2014 have been made available this year.
The second subject, called "Ganit Gammat," is mathematics.

This GSEB STD 5 Textbook has 201 pages in total.
Its file is 41.9 MB large.
There are a total of 14 chapters in the GSEB STD 5 Textbook.
The original edition was published in
2018 and is now being republished.
The third topic is environmental science, or "Paryavaran Aaspas".

This GSEB STD 5 Textbook has 212 pages in total.
Its file is 60.9 MB large.
There are a total of 23 chapters in the GSEB STD 5 Textbook.
This is the inaugural edition of the 2020 standard, and the fourth subject is Hindi, which is a second language.

This GSEB STD 5 Textbook has 116 pages in total.
Its file is 24.3 MB in size.
There are a total of 16 chapters in the GSEB STD 5 Textbook.
Reprints of the first edition from 2014 have been made available this year.
English, which is also a second language under this standard, is the fifth subject.
A number of 

If you study in English medium so English medium was available now in this website Educationguru00 always support to learn better textbook was available in this website and learning material was also available without any waste your time to 1 click then dowonload your pdf file easily .... Copyright by Educationguru00 

NCERT STD 5 TextBooks 2022

The STD 5 textbooks for the Gujarat Board were modified in 2022, and new topics were introduced. NCERT STD 5 Textbooks are easy to read and comprehend when you have the time. Additionally, the new improvements are simple for parents to comprehend, enabling them to support their children's at-home learning.


std 5 Textbooks
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